Are you looking for someone to provide initial advice for shareholder, director and partnerships disputes in London or anywhere else in the UK?
Robin can be hired to provide advice in respect of a limited company shareholder dispute. This may include a Section 994 Companies Act unfair prejudice claim, or a Derivative Action or a dispute over similar matters.
Robin has many years experience in dealing with shareholder, director and partnership disputes and can provide the initial advice needed to resolve these before the matter has to be taken further. He has worked with many clients to resolve partnership disputes and has many positive reviews as a result of the great work carried out.
Based in London, but able to travel through-out the UK, Robin is an expert at helping resolve disputes before they escalate into court proceedings. This can help save thousands of pounds and a huge investment in time.
There are a range of packages below that are tailored to suit specific requirements for businesses and organisations. If there isn't one that suits your exact requirements, please contact Robin as he may still be able to assist in offering initial advice for shareholder, director or partnership disputes.
The fixed fee base price includes all the following features of the dispute and advice.
Subject to acceptance, at his absolute discretion and without the requirement to provide reasons, once the issues are clear and are within his field of competence and experience.
Excludes novel or complex areas of law, fact or procedure.
Initial advice in respect of a limited company shareholder, director or partnership dispute. This may include a Section 994 Companies Act unfair prejudice claim, or a Derivative Action or a similar dispute.
The fixed fee base price includes the following features of the dispute and advice: